CSA Retention Strategies

How to Stop the Revolving Door and Turn Your CSA Members into Superfans

Are you a CSA farmer struggling with poor customer retention?

You are not alone.

The average CSA farm hovers between 55-60% retention every year. (If you're a big CSA like mine, that's a lot of people to replace every year!)

The problem is... most CSA farmers don't know how to fix it.

Instead, you're probably...

  • spending LOTS of time in the off-season, frantically trying to sell your leftover shares to replace your members (and hating every second of it)
  • stressing out for months, waiting to see if you'll be able to sell those empty CSA spots
  • secretly wondering if you've exhausted every qualified lead in your area
  • beating yourself up as a farmer, wondering why so many people keep dropping like flies. (Am I doing something wrong?...)
  • wondering if CSA is worth all the hassle? Maybe I should just throw in the towel?

How do you stop the revolving door once and for all, and get more of your members TO LOVE your product?

How do you start feeling confident that you'll be able to attract the right kind of person into your program from the get-go -- the kind that APPRECIATES what you do and happily renews their share every year?

The trick is understanding what drives retention...

In this training, you're going to learn what great companies do to make a person want to buy their product again and again.

We'll see why mastering retention is the secret to maximizing your profits. <== (This is the best part of the training!)

Plus, I'll share 6 key retention-building principles and strategies you can execute immediately that will help your CSA member experience a transformation with your product -- the kind of transformation that turns them into super-fans that buy again and again.

The principles in this training are spot on, and if you adopt them into your business, you'll discover that not only do you keep more customer and make more revenue... but the problem of customer acquisition goes away.

In 2017-18, our CSA farm (of 400 members) implemented these principles and saw our retention swing from 63% to 75% in just one season. We now enjoy an 89% retention and a HUGE increase in revenue thanks to making retention building THE focus of our business model.

I hope this training is an a-ha moment for you that inspires you to take action and make customer retention a key element in your business strategy too!

You can do this!

Your Instructor

Corinna Bench
Corinna Bench

Corinna Bench is an entrepreneur, CSA farmer, speaker, podcaster, consultant, and educator who is committed to helping CSA farmers build CSAs that are profitable and viable for the long-term. Since 2008, she and her husband have been full-time farmers at Shared Legacy Farms in Elmore, OH, and have relied almost exclusively on their 400-member CSA to pay the bills.

Corinna is the founder of MyDigitalFarmer.com which is dedicated to helping farmers master the art of messaging and sales for their CSA. She is a promoter of the national CSA movement and serves as a collaborator with the the CSA Innovation Network. She also hosts the My Digital Farmer podcast and the CSA Marketing Discussion Facebook group. Corinna is the co-instructor of the online program CSA Quickstart.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do I have access to this course?
You have immediate access to it for as long as I decide to keep it in my product suite! You can go watch the course right now, and it will always be free for you!
How long is the training?
The video training runs about 75 minutes in length.
Is it really free?
Yup. For now, it is. I may decide to make this a paid workshop some day, so grab it now for free while you can! FYI: I consider this content to be one of the fundamentals of CSA marketing. And I know that if I can deliver this "quick-win" for your business, you will feel empowered, motivated, and confident that you can repeat it again and again!

Get started now!